Rayakan Ulang Tahun ke-23, Yeonjun TXT Banjir Ucapan Selamat

Selasa, 13 September 2022 | 17:00:00

Diana Rahmawati

Penulis : Diana Rahmawati

Rayakan Ulang Tahun Ke-23, Yeonjun Txt Banjir Ucapan Selamat

Yeonjun TXT. (Twitter.com/TXT_bighit)

Ladiestory.id - Yeonjun selaku salah satu member boygroup TXT diketahui telah merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke-23 tahun pada 13 September 2022. MOA yang merupakan singkatan dari Moment of Alwaysness, nama penggemar TXT, memberikan banyak ucapan mengharukan kepada idolanya tersebut.  

Momen ulang tahun Yeonjun ini begitu dinantikan oleh para MOA di dunia. Ulang tahun Yeonjun kali ini diketahui akan mendapatkan sebuah kejutan yang besar dari penggemarnya, MOA.  

Tak terelakkan, ucapan selamat tahun dari para MOA telah membanjiri unggahan yang diunggah oleh official account Twitter TXT.  

Yeonjun TXT. (Twitter.com/TXT_bighit)

"Blessed be the asteroid that fragmented and formed the meteor that fell on the prehistoric land decimating the animals that became fossils and then oil that was extracted and used in the manufacture of the fuel that supplied the car to make the hospital that you were born," tulis alun @OX1ZEROBYONE

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY YEONJUN flirt yeonjun will never be defeated," tulis akun @mahaa_rx

"Happy Birthday my Yeonjun! Thank u for being my happiness, my love! Always be happy & healthy! Enjoy ur precious day & eat lots of delicious foods! I, we love u!" Tulis akun @Sweet_twt95

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGEL!!! thank u for being born and had grow up to be this amazing person you are. never ever change cause ur perfect just the way you are. you have an amazing personality and a beautiul heart that makes me fall for u everyday hope ur having a good day, love you," tulis akun @yeonclue

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY YEONJUN! To #OurStarboyYeonjun, we wish you all the best in the world. Stay healthy always & be happy. MOA will always support & love you~ I LOVE YOU MORE," tulis akun @CVPHERKO